Pick yours!
I'd like to give away something from my shop.
What would you love to get?, Can you help me to decide what to giveaway?
I have selected 3 items from my shop:
1 - A card-agenda organizer, zakka style. While traveling you can keep also all your travelling documents inside, it is really useful. I have mine in my bag and I love it!. Click here to know more about it.
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What would you love to get?, Can you help me to decide what to giveaway?
I have selected 3 items from my shop:
1 - A card-agenda organizer, zakka style. While traveling you can keep also all your travelling documents inside, it is really useful. I have mine in my bag and I love it!. Click here to know more about it.
2 - An iPad case. To know more about it, click here.
3 - A traveling sewing kit. They are the cutest and very handy!. Click here to know more about it.
There was this facebook poll but aparently nobody gets a feed from my page : P
I got only 2 votes there from 2 nice girls.
You can vote your choice in the poll placed in the right column.
This give away will start on December 5th and it will close on December 15th.
Help me to decide what to give away!
Thank you : ))
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Bellissimi tutti e tre!!! Difficile la scelta!
RispondiEliminaComplimenti davvero!
Ciao Clod